Wietzke Consulting Supports Deutschlandstipendium

Strengthening the German Economy with the German Scholarship
The initiative “Deutschlandstipendium” (German Scholarship) of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) promotes high-performance students, on the one hand to counteract the skills shortage in Germany, and on the other hand to strengthen the business location Germany as well as promote collaboration of businesses and foundations. The resulting networks benefit both donors and scholarship holders to the same extent.
The Deutschlandstipendium in the amount of 300 Euro per month is composed of 50% each from funding by the Federal Government and the Foundation's funds from the business community. This scholarship is designed to help young, talented people to concentrate better on their studies. In addition to the financial resources, it also provides financial and non-material support to students with internships, theses, company visits, or mentoring by the promoters. The Deutschlandstipendium is the largest public-private project in the field of education that has existed in Germany until now.
The demographic change in Germany and increasing global competition cannot be ignored. The targeted promotion of young, talented people should be a mandatory program of German business enterprises to remain competitive in the coming decades.
"Germany needs a highly qualified new generation:" this is a fact that we at Wietzke Consulting are also well aware of, and we intend to meet our responsibility in this respect. This is reason enough to continue supporting this important program of the BMBF.
Wietzke Consulting is involved as one of 188 scholarship donors in Osnabrück and currently supports a student majoring in "Corporate Information Management".
More German scholarship holders are studying at the University of Applied Sciences in Osnabrück than at any other German university. This of course is something we are very pleased about as an Osnabrück company. To ensure that it stays this way, we will definitely again do our part for excellent students in 2018 and consequently for the knowledge and business location of Germany.
More information about the Deutschlandstipendium is available on the webpages of the University of Osnabrück or from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.